Monday, February 27, 2012

Celebrating 17 Years

Andy and I celebrated 17 years of marriage on Saturday.

It came at a very busy time this year, sandwiched between a scout camp out, science fair, and our packing to go out of town for the Charismatic Leaders Fellowship.

However, we managed to take some advice that we heard from a priest friend, and devote a couple hours to each other Saturday evening.

First, we attended Mass together, followed by a quick rush home to transfer a load of laundry from the washer to the dryer.

Then we went out to our favorite local Mexican restaurant for dinner, where we could just sit and breath deeply. We were both so tired we could have fallen asleep in the booth waiting for our food.

On our way home, we stopped by the corner pharmacy to grab a few essentials for our trip, and lingered at the greeting card section. We perused the cards for a few minutes, each of us hoping to find the perfect one that captured the sentiments of our hearts. When we were sure we found it, we exchanged them, read them, and let the words sink in. Then we thanked and hugged each other before returning the cards to the rack, purchased our items and drove home.

The important thing is not how big or great or deep your gift is, it is how big and great and deep your unity runs.

Here's to you, Honey! Thank you for a wonderful 17 years of unity!

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