Last year, however, was quite another story!
The planning began the year before, with my brothers and sisters-in-law at the helm. I remember the night my youngest brother called, asking for input concerning Mom and Dad's party. I knew it was coming, and I wanted to be excited, but I had to tell my brother that I wasn't sure if I would even be able to attend. I had just received my diagnosis for breast cancer, and my treatment plan wouldn't be determined until after surgery. I was looking at possibly a year of treatment, and Mom and Dad's anniversary was only 10 months away.
Well, as it turned out, I had nothing to fear. They pulled off the biggest surprise party our parents have ever received, and I was able to be a part of it after all, since the worst part of my treatment ended six weeks prior to the party.
The pavilion where we waited to surprise Mom and Dad, and Mike's devious little sign to divert any suspicions. |
The plan was amazing. My brothers put together a list of invitees that would span the years of Mom and Dad's life together. There were friends from their high school days, Dad's stock car racing days, old neighborhoods as well as new. There were farmer friends and musician friends and cousins, siblings, children and grandchildren. We all gathered in a nicely decorated park pavilion and waited for a cleverly master-minded plan to bring Mom and Dad within feet of the large garage door. Then, at the appointed time the door was raised, and Mom and Dad were reeling from shock as we shouted, "Happy Anniversary!"
We enjoyed a lovely dinner prepared by my sisters-in-law, live bluegrass music, wonderful fellowship and a slide show to end all slide shows put together by my brother John and his girlfriend Sara. We all gave up another cheer when John announced that Sara had agreed to be his wife earlier that same day.
How wonderful it is to be given the opportunity to honor parents who have lived out their marriage vows for 50 years, and at the same time raise a toast to their youngest son who is preparing to take this same journey.
I'd say it was a GOLDEN opportunity!
And congratulations to everyone who pulled off such a wonderful tribute to such a wonderful couple. I cannot say, "Thank you," enough!
Another superb writing, Janet. You have a great family, both of them.