Friday, May 4, 2012

Seven Quick Takes (vol. 8)

National Day of Prayer

Yesterday was our nation's 61st annual National Day of Prayer, and Augusta Georgia joined its forces to plead for God's mercy upon our nation as we gathered in His name.

The event was put on by our South Augusta Pastor's Alliance and by the Office of the Mayor, Deke Copenhaver. The Pastor's Alliance is an amazing group of pastors from the churches and congregations in our area that set aside their differences to work toward unity in the Body of Christ. They include the Lutheran, Presbyterian, Bible Church of God, United Methodist, Church of the Nazarene, Baptist, New Creation Christian, Episcopal and Catholic Churches, Messianic Jewish Synagogue, Order of the Cross Motorcycle Ministries, as well as the Alleluia Community.

Rev. Mike Freed, Pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church emceed the evening, Ft. Gordon's Color Guard posted the colors, and  Alleluia Community's Music Ministry led us in patriotic song.

1. Mayor Deke Copenhaver - presented the Mayor's Proclamation to the South Augusta Pastor's Alliance, urging all our citizens to join him in pleading for our country. He said it is not secret that he is a man of prayer. He thanked God for blessing Augusta with many new programs and buildings, but to be careful not to worship the blessings. Give God the glory because it is God, not him, that accomplished this.

2. Chaplain Eugene Mack, Fort Gordon - prayed for strength and courage for our military men and women. Comfort them, restore them, and always return them to a grateful nation when you bring them home.

3.  The Honorable Daniel Craig, Superior Court Judge - prayed for wisdom and justice, and for the courts. For 38 years a man laid by the pool until one day Jesus was able to say to him "By your faith you are healed." "OBJECTION!" cried those who were hoping to judge Jesus guilty for healing on the Sabbath. Jesus replied that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath, and your objection is out of order! Jesus, source of all wisdom, hear our prayer.

4. Helen Minchew, Richmond County Board of Education - prayed for our students from many walks of life, that God would pour out His special favor on them. She prayed for parents, mentors, teachers, social workers, counselors, administrators, bus drivers, custodians, that God would give them strength, wisdom and patience to serve our children and prepare them for their future.

5. Chief Deputy Sid Hatfield, Richmond County Sheriff's Department - prayed for our law enforcement officers and first responders, that God would bring people of integrity to the force. He commended them all to God's loving care, and prayed that God would unite them safely with their families when their day was done.

6. Rev. Thomas Healy, Pastor St. Joseph Catholic Church - prayed for our local churches and unity among all Christians. He prayed that all Christians would realize that God's love knows no bounds of race, class, or ideology, and that we all have a common Father. He prayed for persecuted Christians around the world, and that the Christians in Augusta would stand in solidarity with them, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.

7. Rev. Edna Bradshaw, South Augusta Pastor's Alliance - prayed the closing prayer, in which she came before Jesus with thanksgiving on her lips, claiming His victory over our petitions, boldly proclaiming that "All the glory will be thine, in Jesus' name. Amen!

And All God's people shouted, "Amen!"

Conversion Diary hosts Seven Quick Takes Fridays.

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