Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Eagle has Landed

             Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy,
loyal, helpful,
courteous, kind,
thrifty, brave,
clean, and reverent.

Every boy who begins his journey as a Boy Scout of America dreams of making it to the rank of Eagle one day. This is Scouting's highest rank. A boy that earns this rank has exhibited determination, perseverance and leadership qualities that set him apart. Earning the rank of Eagle is an accomplishment to be proud of.

Last night Kevin passed his Board of Review and became an Eagle Scout.

(His Court of Honor will be held sometime this summer).

Wasn't it just yesterday that I put his first neckerchief on him as a Tiger Cub? Now, 28 merit badges and several ranks later, my son has "earned his wings." My how the time flies as you watch your son change from a fidgety little boy into a fine young man. It does a mother proud!

Kevin, I am proud of you and honor you for your accomplishments, and I thank God for His faithfulness to you!  Don't ever forget Who your strength comes from! I love you!


  1. agreed, Kevin is a fine young man with lots to do with his life, living for the Lord. Congratulations to Kevin for all of his hard work.

  2. Congratulations Kevin! We are do proud of you!
