Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ninety Years Young!

Last week my husband's grandmother celebrated a Hatfield family milestone. She became the first person on either side of her family to reach the ripe young age of 90.

We honored Grandma the weekend before with a party celebrating her most wonderful life. Then on the day of her birth we attended an outdoor prayer meeting, where she was introduced as the birthday girl, as well as the newest member of Alleluia Community. The look on her face was precious as she received a standing ovation!  She couldn't have been more surprised, and we couldn't have been more proud.

Let me tell you a little about this wonderful woman that we affectionately call "Gi Gi Mama." (That stands for Great Grand Mama). Here are a few of her wonderful qualities that make her a true southern gentle woman indeed!

1. She loves "The Good Lord" and loves to read His Word.
2. She loves "her people" and is always inquiring as to "so and so's" well-being.
3. She loves to reminisce about the "good old days" as she fondly recalls past events.
4. She gets teary-eyed when she thinks about how much she loves each and every one of us.
5. She can make the best macaroni and cheese, hands down.
6. She can make the best caramel cake, hands down.
7. She loves to give and receive hugs, and makes each one special.
8. She can't say "no" to anyone that looks at her with "puppy eyes."
9. She has a quiet and gentle spirit, yet has a firmness in her resolve.
10. She loves to sing and tap her foot to the family's southern gospel jam sessions.

We love you, Gi Gi Mama! Happy Birthday!