Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ritalin Was Not Our Answer

Several years ago my second grader brought home a note from his teacher suggesting that we seek medical help for ADD/ADHD type behavior at school.  We had contemplated a dye-free diet the previous year, since we had already observed this ourselves, but never acted on it. It seemed such a time consuming, tedious venture. Now, with the advent of the note, it was time to reconsider.

I was familiar with the diet known as The Feingold Diet since my baby brother had been on it when I was 13. My mom swore by it, and was convinced it was the answer to my brother's ADHD. So, my husband went to our child's teacher and asked her to give us a two week trial. He asked her to keep a tally of any type of inappropriate behavior in the classroom and send it home at the end of each week.

We implemented the Feingold Diet immediately for the whole family, however it took a little while for the effects to be noticed. When the first week came to an end, our child brought home a note with over 2 dozen tally marks. We grit our teeth, dug in our heels, and continued on into the second week.  However, before Friday even arrived, the teacher contacted my husband and said, "What did you do? I can't believe this is the same child! Whatever you are doing, keep doing it!"

And we have been doing it now for seven years.

I have had several friends inquire about this diet in the past two weeks, so I decided to post this short testimony. It does take time and effort to learn which foods are permitted and which ones aren't, (there is more to it than just limiting dyes), but for our family it was definitely worth the effort. Not only did it keep our child (children) off medicine, but even more importantly, it kept our relationship with him in tact, since he could control his own behavior, and we didn't have to.  Check it out for yourself at

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