Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Pathetic or Prophetic?

Every Monday, Bible class is the same in fourth grade.  My students take out their weekly scripture verse, recite it together as a class, and copy it (in cursive) into their notebooks while commiting it to memory.  When they feel they are ready, they come up to my desk, and recite the verse to me. If they have done this accurately,  a triumphant, "signing of the wall" completes the activity

Last week's scripture was "Our mouths are filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy."  Psalm 126:2.

The first boy done, Joe, comes up for recitation.  "Our tongues are filled...."

"No, that's not right.  Go back and try again."

Others come up and proceed to sign the wall.

Joe gets back in line. "Our mouths are filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Psalm 162:3."

"No, the chapter and verse are wrong.  Go back and try again."

Others come up and proceed to sign the wall.

Joe gets back in line, handing me his notebook.  "Our mouths are filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.  Psalm 126:2."

"Yes, that is perfect, but you didn't change it in your notebook."

Joe, by this time is getting exasperated, and starts to laugh at himself.  The other students around him are laughing, too.  I am beginning to smile.

The others have all come up, and their names are all on the wall.

Joe comes back up and shows me his notebook.  Psalm 126:3.

"No, Joe, it still isn't correct."

Joe, who is used to being the first one done is so frustrated that he laughs out loud.  The other students are laughing out loud.  I am laughing out loud.

Then, the Holy Spirit shows up and gives me an encouraging word for Joe.

"Joe, do you realize that you are prophetic?  Our mouths really are filled with laughter, and our tongues with songs of joy!"

Joe smiles with relief.  We aren't laughing at him afterall.  We are filled with the joy of the Spirit.

Then a voice from the other side of the room calls out, "Mrs. Hatfield!  Did you just say that Joe is pathetic?"

I would like to think that pathetic and prophetic are not so closely related, but I think there are a couple things to be learned by this:  1) When you choose to look for prophetic through His eyes, the Holy Spirit will reveal it to you, and 2) when you choose to look for pathetic, you may just find it.


  1. I love it Janet. I am looking forward to reading more.

  2. Well done! Thanks for encouraging my boy, Joe.
