Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shape Up Twice for the Price

One of my new year's ambitions is to get back into shape.  I wasn't in the greatest shape before my cancer treatments began, but the aftermath is not pretty.  My muscles ache, I have put on a few pounds, and my energy level is still low. My doctor says this is normal, that nearly all the women he has treated have the same complaints, however, I don't have to resign myself to this for the rest of my life. Steps can be made to take back my body.

So, on a particularly rough day, when my students were more rowdy than usual, I texted my husband during  a short break at school:

Me:  What do you think about a treadmill?

Him: Where 2 put it?

Me:  In the computer room minus the couch or the extra kids.

(I meant to say "extra desk" but apparently my mind was more frazzled than I realized).

He stopped by my classroom later (he is a high school teacher on campus) to ask me which of our kids I would consider "extra."

The very next day, my husband brought home a treadmill (that he found on Craig's List) while I was away visiting a sick friend.  He pulled the couch out of the computer room, which displaced all the boxes full of "stuff" that had accumulated over the past year, hiding the couch from view.  I came home to find the treadmill all set up and waiting for me on one side of the room, and a stack of boxes waiting to be sorted through on the other. Now begins the real work, getting things back into shape in more ways than one.