Friday, June 29, 2012

Baba Kevin, Mama Lucia

The Kenya Diaries (vol. 14)

June 29, 2006

This morning I went to Mass without the rest of the family because we were told it would be quite long since it was also a special ceremony for the Order of the Contemplative Evangelizers of the Heart of Christ. Six novitiates made their First Vows today, and they were right! Mass lasted for 3 1/2 hours! Liturgical celebrations in Kenya are absolutely amazing. There were four groups of liturgical dancers, a beautiful choir from St. Maria Goretti Girls' School, sixteen priests and several deacons. It was amazing.

The church was packed, so I stood in the back. Then at the end of Mass, Fr. Callistus recognized guests that travelled great distances to be there. I was having a hard time understanding his Kenyan accent until I heard him say "America." Then everybody turned around and looked at me and clapped. What a surprise!

Kevin said this: While Mama was at Mass for 3 1/2 hours, Daddy tried to take us to the rainbow playground, but every door we tried to get out of was locked. We finally found a doorway through the kitchen. Then we had to climb over a locked gate and through their garden. Lucia got little black hitch hikers all over her. Then we came to the front gate, which was unlocked, so we just walked right through. It was fun trying to figure out how to get out.

We went to the playground but it was being used, so we went to Rongai and Daddy let us each choose a piece of candy. Ania and I chose whistle pops, and Philip and Lucia chose gum.

For supper I made fried rice and buttered carrots. Kevin and I took some to the kitchen for Peter the Cook, and he gave us some sukuma wiki (kale) and beef in return. The kids devoured the beef!

Andy said this: I saw Peter later in the evening and he was all lit up. He asked, "How did Mama Lucia* get her rice to taste like that?" I invited him to come by sometime and see.

Thank you, Jesus, for such a blessed day! Amina.

*A side note from my journal:

In Kenya, fathers are referred to by their first-born's name, because the first born is what earned him the title father.  So Andy was referred to as Baba Kevin.

Mothers are referred to by their last-born's name, since that is the child that people see on her hip the longest. So I was referred to as Mama Lucia.

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