Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fabulous Finds

Seven Quick Takes
(vol. 12)

Summer vacation has arrived, and for teachers that means the house can begin to undergo a thorough overhaul. From the shelves in the pantry to the clothes hampers in the laundry room, this house is breathing an overdue sigh of relief.

1. In the process of looking upstairs for an empty box, I caught sight of Philip's army of archers, knights and crusaders traversing across a beam in our living room ceiling. Wouldn't it be awesome if they were declaring war on my dust? Let the battle begin!

2. Halfway down into the semi-permanent layer of my laundry hamper, nestled between a pillow case and last winter's sweat pants, Kevin's wallet has been waiting three months to be discovered. Unfortunately this discovery did not come in time to prevent his learner's permit from being replaced.

3. After attending Mass on Sunday morning and two meetings on Monday without my reading glasses, I decided to implore St. Anthony's assistance in locating them. Think, think, think....where was the last place I used them? It wasn't until I stopped thinking that an enlightening memory flickered of me sewing Philip's merit badges on his sash in the den. But I already searched the den. One quick trip to the laundry room and my sewing basket brought my search to an end, and thanksgiving to my lips. Thank you, St. Anthony.

4. About mid week I heard my phone alert me of a text message, and found this photo along with a message that said, "Philip qualified." Apparently he proved his ability as an archer and earned his archery merit badge at scout camp this week. Way to go, Philip!

5. The girls and I drove out to the country today and spent some time "down on the farm." There's nothing like some good old hay bale jumping to boost your spirits! I think it is so true what they say, "You can take the girl out of the farm, but you can never take the farm out of the girl." I'm not a farmer's daughter for nothin'!

6. When we walked into my cousin's barn, a beautiful sight met my girls' eyes. Kittens! Who can resist them?

7. This one I am including on faith that it will become my next fabulous find. About a year ago Kevin misplaced his mp3 player for a second time.  The first time it was nothing short of miraculous the way we found it.

We had been to my husband's grandfather's funeral when Kevin realized his mp3 player was not in has jacket pocket anymore. We retraced his steps to the church hall, the cemetery, the funeral home, but came up empty every time. As we began our 3 hour drive home, I sat in the front seat letting God have a piece of my mind. I was thinking the worst....someone found it and kept it. Why couldn't God have let US find it? I was mad at everyone BUT Kevin. Then I turned to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. I asked her to go to Jesus and get Him to help us find it, just like she did at the wedding feast of Cana.

Meanwhile, back at Grandma's house, Grandma asked her son Edward when he was going to fix her lamp. "Not now, Ma, you have a house full of guests." Grandma: "Okay."

Five minutes later, "Edward, when are you going to fix my lamp?" "Tomorrow Mother. Today you have guests." Grandma: "Okay."

Two minutes later. "EDWARD, when are you going to fix my lamp?" Edward: "Right now, Mother."

Edward got up and tried to unplug the lamp but couldn't reach the outlet. So he pulled the couch out from the wall and found a small black shiny thing. "What's this?"

A half an hour down the road Andy's phone rang. "We will bring Kevin' mp3 player home tomorrow."

Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, Mary! I called that "Mother Power." Kevin's Mama, Jesus' Mama and Edward's Mama worked together to get the job done.

So, in faith I claim that this same mp3 player, and this same Jesus will bring about a fabulous find. St. Anthony, my dear intercessor, please come to my aid. Amen.

I'll keep you posted!

You can add your own Seven Quick Takes here.


  1. Good job mama! I hope you find it again. ~Lucia

    1. Thanks, Lucia. Maybe you can do more than hope....maybe you can pray, too.
