Friday, June 15, 2012

Fun-Filled Day

The Kenya Diaries (vol. 4)

June 15, 2006

Ania's Turn

This morning we all took a walk into town. There was a brown cow at the end of our lane trying to chew a bag that was on the back of someone's bicycle that was leaning against a tree. It must have smelled like cow food. That was really strange.

Daddy bought a Sprite for me and Lucia to share, and one for the boys. I found a really pretty turquoise, purple and white scarf that I bought for 50 shillings. Lucia got a black one with pink flowers on it. Philip got a blue plaid handkerchief and Kevin got a blue bandanna. Everyone wears scarves or hats here. I like that.

Mama bought a mango, a pineapple and sukuma (kale). Daddy bought some cough medicine.

After lunch I helped Mama do laundry. At first I rinsed and Kevin hung the clothes on the line, but we traded jobs because I go nasty ant bites from sitting in the grass.

Then Sister Ploxeda invited me to come and see her convent. It was a long walk, but when we got there it was big and it was beautiful! She showed me all around. I got to play with a baby goat and a puppy dog. She showed me the cows, rabbits and chickens that they keep, and I met about seven other sisters. When we walked back later this afternoon it was raining, and our laundry was still hanging on the clothesline! I had so much fun with Sr. Ploxeda! She wants me to come back again to visit and bring my family next time. I can't wait!

After supper Mama washed my hair in a bucket. Then we sang some songs and went to bed. Today was so much fun!

Thank you, Jesus, for a good day. Amina.

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